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[James 1:2-3 KJV] “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience“.
Many of us go through so much and we wonder “where was Jesus Christ“. The gospel which we believed promised us heaven on earth and yet at times our lives on earth is a literal hell. Indeed, count it not strange when you fall into many temptations; there is always a greater reason why things happen and that greater reason is the polishing of your faith.
The trying of our faith give us the complementary quality that leads to possessing the promises of God. We have an anchor that keeps the soul. This anchor is Jesus Christ. Our faith must be connected to Him and built on Him.
The Lord wants me to exhort you to understand that falling into divers temptations is nothing but an important experience that polishes your faith. It polishes your faith for exploits. So don’t think that something strange is happening to you. Your faith gets polished when you fall into many temptation. When you endure temptations you become a better person, and better prepared for good works.
Think it not strange because temptations have a special place in your life.
Stay blessed, I love you!
Noah Simpeh Bediako