[Matthew 10:36 KJV] “And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household”.
I want to speak to you today about dealing with household wickedness. Household wickedness is the wickedness that arise from a man’s own household. The Bible tells us that a man’s enemies shall be the people of his household. I can’t tell exactly why but I know it is the truth. All of us must be wise enough to deal with household wickedness.
As we lift up prayer, may the Lord deliver you from every household wickedness assigned against you. In the coming days, you shall escape every plot of darkness; you shall escape every plot of household wickedness. It is real and we must not joke about it.
Cain murdered his brother in cold blood because Abel’s sacrifice was respected by God. Moved by jealousy and envy, Cain killed his own brother after church. There is wickedness close to you. From home and right by you. May the Lord deliver you from such wickedness in the name of Jesus Christ! (See Genesis 4:1-17)
Any Cain assigned against you shall fail in the name of Jesus Christ! We lift up prayer that the hand of the Lord shall keep you safe. I pray that you will escape the wicked schemes in your household. You shall not die before your time!
Remember, that Joseph was not sold by strangers, he was sold by his own brothers, and he was sent to jail because of a woman’s schemes. His masters wife lied against him and he was sent to jail. Household wickedness is real! Beware of the people of your household! I have been hurt by household wicked schemes and I lost great virtue as a result.
Do you remember that Tamar was raped by his own brother Ammon and not by an outsider. She was raped by her own brother. And Absalom also designed a scheme and murdered Ammon in Ammon’s own house. These are brothers and sisters. You may have wronged a brother or sister, but may the Lord deliver you from any scheme to hurt you. You shall escape household wickedness.
We cannot overlook Herod and Herodias. Herod murdered his own brother and married his brother’s wife. When John rebuked them, they murdered him too.
In the church of Corinth, there was a young man who took his father‘s wife. This is household wickedness! I pray that as we step into the coming year, every one of us shall escape the schemes of darkness. The sword of a brother cannot take your life. You shall escape every plot by members of your household against you. The Lord shall keep you safe.
We spit fire against any household wickedness rising against your life. I pray that any scheme of wickedness from your house shall be judged. May the Lord rain fire against the wicked that dwells in your tent. I command the fire of God to consume any wickedness that has been plotted or planted in your house.
If I be a servant of God, then this year the fire of God shall terrify the wicked out of your house and tent! You shall escape and wax valiantly in war. The Lord is with you and you shall escape. There are many times when it is the people of your house who are those perpetuating wickedness against you. Don’t look too far to locate an enemy.
It was the Israelites who bound Samson to be delivered to the Philistines. Wake up! The days have become dark.
Be blessed, I love you!
Noah Simpe Bediako
A big Amen….. this is real!!