[1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV] “Pray without ceasing”
I want to exhort you to decide to pray more. You must decide to pray more because;
1. God answers prayers.
If there is a man to pray then there is a God to answer. (See Mark 11:23-25)
2. A generation that does not pray more gets faint or weak:
(See Luke 18 verses 1 downwards). We must learn to pray more for greater strength and tenacity.
3. Prayer is the dynamo that drives the gospel:
(See 1 Timothy 2:1-4). If there is only one thing we can do to help the gospel, then we must choose prayer. Prayer is that one thing that will push the gospel and bring salvation. If you can do only one thing, choose to pray.
4. Though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
We wrestle not against flesh and blood but principality and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places and the rulers of the darkness of this world. (See 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Ephesians 6:10-18)
5. Prayer is the womb in which visions are birth:
By vision, I mean seeing into the realms of the unseen. Cornelius saw a vision while praying (See Acts 10:30); Peter had a vision while praying (See Acts 11:5); Saul had a vision while praying (See Acts 9:10-12). Pray is the womb in which vision is birth.
6. Prayer makes available tremendous or great power:
The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much. (See James 5:16)
I want to exhort you to pray all kinds of prayer with all perseverance and supplication. Pray with understanding and praying in an unknown tongue. Pray alone but pray also with the brethren. Pray undertone but pray fervently too.
Just pray! Pray and pray and pray without ceasing. Listen, pray until something happens! Remember that everything by prayer; nothing without prayer. Let us arise and pray!
My book on “Prayer” is a delightful read. Download a free copy from simpebediako.com
Stay blessed