To succeed is to advance in peace; to make peaceful progress in what you do. God wants us to both succeed and be faithful. I do not know what you do but I am assured that you will succeed in your godly pursuit, if you do these 7 things:
Admit that without God you are nothing
The word of God teaches in John 15, that without Jesus, you can do nothing. He is the vine that gives life to the branches. In fact, with God all things are possible. (Mark 10:27) I pray that you will admit that God is the pillar that holds our lives. He is our fortress and standby. He is the oak we can fall on anyway, anytime. He changes not.
Admit that all the scriptures promises apply to you
In Mark 13:37, he teaches that “what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.” There is no scripture that does not apply to any of us when rightly divided. All scripture is given by the inspiration of God and is profitable for instruction and rebuke.
Discover the will of God for your life and prepare yourself to stay with it.
If you want to succeed, strive to know the will of God for your life; and prepare yourself to fulfill the will of God. (Luke 12:47 KJV And that servant, which knew his lord’s will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.) God will not use you until he has prepared you. Preparation is important to God. God uses prepared vessels.
Assure yourself that God is with you.
He has promised, never to leave you nor forsake you. He has promised to be with us to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:18-20)
Be versatile.
If you want to succeed, be versatile in what you do, how you do, and when you do it. Even in relating with people, you must become all things to all men. You must be versatile.
Labour abundantly, in fact, above most people.
You must be willing to do a little more and above all others with the same grace to have an edge. Though apostle Paul, was graced and gifted, he laboured above them all. You must labour above them all. Be willing to do more, just a little more than normal.
End each day with prayer, so that you can start with power.
Those who end each day with prayer, start the next with power. Let us learn to end each day with prayer. A Christian who doesn’t pray, is one who falls into temptation after temptation till he is destroyed.
May the Lord help you to succeed! May you never fail! May you rise and rise and rise until you have made it big.
Stay blessed