[Luke 14:28 KJV] “For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?”
Please don’t die from stress, don’t start building a tower when you don’t have enough to finish it. Not everyone is created to build a tower; neither do you have to build a tower before you can die fulfilled. The Lord teaches that it is only wise to sit and count the cost, and be sure you have sufficient to finish.
You may not have sufficient money, but do you have sufficient faith? Do you have sufficient patience? Do you have sufficient time? Do you have sufficient connections? Don’t start a tower if you don’t have sufficient to finish. There are so many other things you can build, so please don’t kill yourself before your time. Build what you have sufficient to finish.
Many people are dying prematurely because they are trying to build things they don’t have enough wisdom, fortitude, resources, faith, endurance, connection and drive to finish.
Inasmuch as I have faith that all things are possible, I know it is possible to those who have enough faith for it. I will rather build a hut which I have enough faith for, than to try to build a tower and up dying.
When the good man was traveling, he gave gifts unto men according to their several abilities. You may have enough to handle 1 talent or 5 talents or 10 talents.
Don’t try to start a business, if you are not cut out for that. May be you should get a job. Do what you have enough to finish. Men don’t celebrate uncompleted feats, they celebrate completeness.
Please, men come in sizes, life flows in seasons. Know your size and flow in your capacity.
In any case, don’t let any man tell you what you can’t do. You know yourself better, and you know what you can do. In that same way, don’t worry anyone with what you choose to do. Each man shall bear his own burdens. You will bear your burdens and I will bear mine.
Remember, you’re the o e who intended to build a tower, we didn’t. You intended to start a business, we didn’t. You decided to marry a tall man, we didn’t. When you are in doubt, we could only offer a helping hand, but we cannot bear your burdens for you. Bless you!
I love you;