[Proverbs 27:17 KJV] “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend”.
I want to speak to you today about how to have a toxic-free day; The simple steps to stop toxic people from destroying your day with useless drama. We all have relationships with different kinds of people, most of whom are phoney and toxic. They never take the blame for anything, and will never apologise when they are wrong. They seem to be right all the time and have an explanation to excuse every behaviour.
I believe that we must learn to live with all men in peace, hence the need to learn how to deal with toxic people; a toxic wife, a toxic boss, a toxic husband, or a toxic co-worker. These are a bunch of sensitive persons who get offended at any least thing. I pray for you and your relationships that the healing power of God will fall on you. You are going to enjoy your days in the rest of your time appointed for you.
The 3 simple steps to have a drama-free day are to predict, prepare, and prevent toxic people from ruining your day with useless drama. You should be able to see ahead and avoid the drama. You should be ready to predict and prepare to avoid these dramas. Very often it is possible to see the things coming. If you pay attention to people’s behaviour you could tell when someone is trying to start a quarrel.

Beware of people who seem to have a negative thing to say about everyone. They are filled with paranoid ideas and blame everyone else for their misfortunes. They never seem to realise that they are wrong and contributed to it too. I pray that your day shall go well and you will learn to discern toxicity and avoid it.
Be blessed, I love you!
Kofi Simpe