Today, I want to assure you that God will give us the neccessary breaks and blessings to resource us for the work of missions and evangelism.
[Nehemiah 2:20 KJV] “Then answered I them, and said unto them, The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build: but ye have no portion, nor right, nor memorial, in Jerusalem“
Souls are so important to God and soulwinning is His heartbeat. The will of God is that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. God will pay any price for the redemption of all men; that is why He gave His only begotten Son as a ransom for all. The scriptures assure us that if He did not withhold His only begotten Son from us, there is nothing that He shall withhold from us if we ask.
God will open new doors, restore old opportunities that are neccessary for today, and create neccessary doors where there seems to be no way. I learnt many years ago that God’s work done God way shall never lack.
Don’t be anxious, don’t fret! Just ready yourself and start serving. I see new blessings and resources being released. The God of heaven will prosper us and we His servants shall rise and build. We will climb mountains and hills, go through the water and valleys, go to all the streets and lanes and shout the gospel in the street. Some of us will hold the neighbour’s and say a prayer. We will work the fields of souls and the God of heaven will prosper us.
Stay blessed; I love you!