Many will miss Heaven because they believe in big things and despise small things. Yet the Bible exhorts us to enter into the Strait Gate because strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life, few there be that find it. You must divorce your desires if you want to find and flow with big things.
[Matthew 7:13-14 KJV] “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”
Today, we want to pray that the Lord will restore our confidence in the Strait Gate. We do not want to be lured by the beauty and glam of big things. I pray that you shall have restored confidence in the Narrow Way and the Strait Gate. There is a way that may seem right to men but the end thereof is death.
We should pray that the Lord shall help each of us to find that way, that we shall not miss the Strait Gate and the Narrow Way. Indeed, only a few find it and you should be part of that few.
I pray that no one will lose confidence in the strait gate or in the Narrow Way. I pray that we shall continue to be grateful that we are part of the people that have found the Strait Gate and Narrow Way. Sometimes, people get discouraged that there are only a few people who believe what they believe, they get dismayed that their choice is not popular. I pray for restored confidence in the Strait Gate and the Narrow Way.
Remember that strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life; the gates are small and strait. We may miss the way when we lose our confidence in strait and narrow things. We must understand that popular is not always right. There are times when the minority is right. Let us restore our confidence in the word of God and not in what is popular.
I pray and hope that God can hear and answer us. I believe that although our beginning may be small, our end shall greatly increase. You will see goodness and greatness in the end. Don’t be tired and wearied.
Prayer points
Remember to thank God for revealing to us the ancient secrets that He kept from the wise. Many sought to understand these things but did not. But God has graciously revealed it to us. Thank God for His grace and wisdom.
Pray that the Lord shall purge your mind and heart from the pollution of lust, anxiety, conceit, and the pride of life. May the Lord purge our minds by blood and by Spirit and by the washing of water. May the Lord forgive our unbelief!
Shall we begin to pray that the Lord will strengthen our conviction in the Strait Gate and Narrow Way? May the Lord reveal and make plain the beauty and glory of eternal life. May the Lord give us open visions of heaven as He did for Stephen! May we see Jesus and be persuaded in our convictions! Pray for restored confidence!
Begin to decree that any adversary roaring as a lion seeking to devour any of us shall be stopped. May the Lord strengthen our faith. May we rise to the occasion to resist the powers of darkness in the name of Jesus! We decree that any power that is deluding people from believing in the Strait Gate and Narrow Way be crushed.
Let us thank God for His grace and mercy and answered prayer.
Stay blessed; I love you
Pastor Noah Simpe