[Matthew 10:16 KJV] “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves”
This life where you walk and live as a soulwinners and a missionary is a wolf-infested world. The world is built in wickedness and you will have to deal with extreme wickedness and betrayal daily. The Lord teaches that you are commissioned as sheep among wolves. That is not to say that we are weak but that is to say that the power given to us on very devil’s and sickness is meant to help the people we are sent to, rather than to destroy them.
We are sent as sheep among wolves and commissioned to be saviours of men rather than destroyers of men. Though we have power and can bite with venom as serpents; we must use wisdom rather than power in dealing with men.
The serpent seldomly use the venom
Though the snake knows it has venom under it’s tongue, it seldom uses it. A snake would rather run away from threatening situations than bite. The snake would rather live with you in the same house with wisdom than with power. Snake would usually bite when their existence is threaten or when they are out hunting for prey. Man is not a prey of snakes; they live with you with wisdom.
Being wise as serpents means you are able to survive alone
Many of the people who come with you from past don’t fit for you future. Some of the friends you had from last year are not ready for this year. If you choose to go with everyone all the time, you will get stuck. You must develop the skill of going alone sometimes. Snakes don’t flock, they walk alone. You must be willing to stand alone if you have to. It is not always about the crowd, but it is always about pleasing God.
Adapt very easily to different situations
Your ability to adapt to every situation is key to walking and living by wisdom. Snakes learn to adapt to different situations. They eat a wide range of food and live under a wide range of situations. You must learn to “do all things through Christ who strengthens you“.
Hide and flourish
Walking in wisdom will require that you hide and flourish. You must always remember that not everyone likes you hence the need to hide and flourish. Many young people don’t know how to lie low. Many of us will flaunt the little success until haters come after us. Hide and flourish like a serpent!
Moult to stay alive and fresh (waiting)
Moulting is the process whereby s9me animals shed old feathers, hair, or skin to make way for a new growth. Snakes endure the pain of having to change their covering.
Some of the strategies that worked 5 years ago will not work today. There is the need to wait on God constantly for further instructions. You must learn how to wait and work with God. This is the wisdom of the snake. It will always wait and moult for new skin to grow better. You must be willing to shed some old skin if you will grow bigger and better.
Stay blessed!