I want to exhort you today on worship, I believe that many miss the blessing in the house of God because we are ignorant of how to behave ourselves and to receive the blessings that come from the Lord. For the maximum blessing from every service there are a few things to do;
1. Plan to arrive at the service before or on time with your nose mask on:
Many dreamers fail because they have a vision without plans. Failing to plan is planning to fail. Failing to plan to arrive before or on time with nose mask on is planning to come late without nose mask. We must plan the night before to arrive on time for maximum results.
2. Wash your hands with soap under running water at the entrance:
Cleanliness is next to godliness.
3. Take your temperature and enter your personal details.
4. Sanitize your hands at the gate and get seated awaiting the start of the service.
5. Join the prayer and singing
6. Take notes for further singing
7. Receive the anointing and prayer of faith of the pastor
8. Prepare and give your offerings and tithes as an act of worship
9. Receive benedictions and return to your house with a commitment to live by the word.
Pastor Simpe Bediako