It is important to reiterate that the core business of the church of God is missions. We are called and mandated to go to the ends of the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
We are called to spread the news that God sent His son Jesus Christ to die for the sins of the world. We must spread the message of God’s grace that both saves and teaches.
[Matthew 28:18-20 KJV] “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”

Now! the first step towards missions or this assignment is prayer. In 1 Timothy 2:1-8, Apostle Paul teaches Timothy that first of all, prayer and intercession and supplication, and thanksgiving should be made for all men and kings and people in authority.
Every successful mission is drenched and soaked with prayer and tears intercession and supplication. Someone must stand in the gap of prayer.
Let us therefore arise and;
Pray that God will help us to purge yourself from sin, uncleanness, and questions.
The man God uses in a mighty way is that vessel in the house that can be honoured. The man God uses in a mighty way, who is useful and profitable for the master’s use purges himself. Sin and uncleanness and indulgence will steal our confidence. Pray that God will help us to be separated into Him!
Pray that the Lord will stretch forth His hands and heal the sick, work miracles, show signs, and wonder in the name of Jesus as we preach. Pray that God will go and work with us. Pray for the release of power to do more for the kingdom.
Pray that the Lord will raise from among us brave and gallant men and women who will be willing to brace the storms of life, step out and stand out for Jesus! Pray that the Lord will send labourers into the vineyard, and may you should be one!
Pray that the word will have a free course with others as it had with us. Pray that the word will reach the ends of the world. May many more respond to the word now more than ever. Pray that the Lord will make many more obedience to the truth. Pray!

Pray that the Lord will deliver the missionaries that are out there from wicked and unreasonable men. Pray that they will be protected and shielded by angels. May no evil be able to come near them! May the missionaries out there be delivered from strange women, strange men, entrapment, and satanic schemes!
Decree that Lord will minister unto us great and effectual doors of ministry. May nations open their doors to us. May Visas be ministered unto us as we embark on rural Africa missions. Speak to the gates of the Americas and Europe and Asia and the islands to be lifted. May the Lord minister an entrance unto us!
Ask that the Lord will touch certain women and men to support the mission with their substance. May the Lord raise financial partners for the church! “In the day of the Lord, the people shall be willing!”
Beyond praying all you can do is honour the assembling together of ourselves to fellowship, sing, study, give and re-present Christ to the world you live in. God bless you!
I love you