[Genesis 1:1-5 KJV] “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. [2] And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. [3] And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. [4] And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. [5] And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day”.
The Bible tells us that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. What God created did not turn out the way He intended, but God did not abandon His creation; rather, He began to recreate the earth. Many of us fail in life because we abandon problems. We are always seeking for a way out to have an easy life, but God fixed the mess. He began to recreate the earth that was messed up. I believe the earth, like the other planets, was uninhabitable, but God recreated it; and He created man, and put him here on the earth. God did not abandon the earth because it was without form and was void.
Understandably, your life may have a few challenges here and there, but you must wake up and fix it. The ministry, the marriage, the money, the business, etc, may have a few issues but there is no need to escape or complain. If we all sit around and sit aloof, nothing will get done. Someone must stand up and begin to create a future. God did not just sit down; if He had, perhaps nothing would have been done and we will all not be here. In that same way, if you refuse to arise and act, nothing may get done. We must wake up and begin to create a future and destiny together. This is the time to act and create a future. We cannot just sit around and watch others fulfill their destiny and while we do nothing.
Following the story of creation, there are a few things God did which we can also do if we want to create the kind future and destiny that God desires for us. Remember, we are here to create solutions to fix the mess and void we find around us. When God created the heaven and earth, the earth was without form and was void, and darkness covered the face of earth. God was not moved by the mess and void; rather, He moved in and began to fix the mess and void. You must also arise to fix every mess. Don’t run away from the mess or the void. It’s part of the process and path that leads to fulfillment and prosperity.
The Bible tells us that when God understood the problem, God said…, God saw…, God divided…, God called it…., and God allowed time….
If you really want to fix the mess around you and recreate your vision and world, then you must:
- Follow the vision with your spirit to define and understand the problem
- Speak the solution; say what you want to see
- Appraise and analyze your results to determine further action
- Move in to implement further modifications
- Name your creation
1. Follow the project with your heart (with passion):
You will not get a lot of success if your heart and spirit are not in the things you do. Whatever you do will succeed when you do it with passion and with your heart in it. The Lord understood the problem because His spirit was upon the deep. His spirit was right there. You cannot leave the church in the building and expect it to grow.
2. When you understand the problem, begin to pray:
When you have a full understanding of the problem, start with prayer, confession, and speaking. Your words are forerunners into your future. Your words are like prayers and wishes. Your words have power to create, to build, to pull down, and to initiate change. God spoke, and it was created. Be careful what you say. Beware how you use words. Your words can make or break you.
3. Appraise and analyse your results to determine your next line of action:
God saw, He appraised and analyzed the outcome. He paid attention to how things were unfolding. You must pay attention. When you don’t observe, your gains may erode. You must inspect what you are creating. Don’t leave your project to others and trust that they will do a good job; you must always go to see what you are creating. Appraise and analyze your results to determine further actions.
4. Implement determined modifications:
Take actions to implement any determined modifications. When you observe anything that is not the way you imagined it to be, move in and act. God did not just speak and observe, He also moved in to act. You must act and create destiny. He divided darkness from the light and named them.
5. Name your creation:
Name the things you create. Don’t leave them to chance. Name them. Name your creations for identification. I love you!
Stay blessed;
Noah Simpe Bediako