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It is appointed unto man once to die and after death, the judgement; in that same way Christ was offered once and He shall appear a second time to those who look for His second coming.
‘‘And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation” (Hebrews 9:27-28 KJV)
Jesus Christ will surely come again, but He is coming for those who look for His second coming.
Don’t be fooled by how things are going on in today’s world. The Bible tells us that while the prophets promise peace and peace and peace, then suddenly destruction will come upon the world as a snare. Jesus is coming again! Lift up your eyes and see the Lord coming. His coming is drawing closer and closer.
Our salvation is nearer than ever. We will be raptured and be with the Lord forever. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 teaches this clearly. We will be caught up and we shall be with Him.
How can anyone get ready for this second coming? How can we be ready for such a journey? We shall be caught up to meet the Lord and be with him forever. Glory to God!!!
Admit that we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God because one man sinned. (Romans 3:23; Romans 5:6-21)
We have all sinned and lost the glory of God because one man sinned. We have fallen short of the glory of God and we suffer the repercussions of disobedience. This is how sicknesses, diseases, pain, poverty and afflictions set in. Sin stole from us, sin steals and kills dignity and glory.
Believe and confess that without the shedding of blood there cannot be the remission of sins.
Indeed, ‘‘Jesus Christ offered himself a ransom for all to be testified in due season’‘ (Hebrews 9:22; 1Timothy 2:5-7) Without faith, it’s impossible to access the grace that saves.
‘‘Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God” (Romans 5:1-2 KJV)
By faith we have access into this grace in which we stand and rejoice.
Read your Bible and pray every day to know and obey the will of God for your life.
Acts 2:42-47 teaches how the early believers excelled in their faith adventures. Read your own Bible and pray every day. The Bible is the only book you can count on in all matters of instruction in the faith.
Fellowship and witness everyday
Hebrews 10:25 tells us to fellowship more and more as the day approaches. We must fellowship regularly in the temples and from house-to-house. And they continued in the temple and from house to house with one accord and ate their bread with gladness.
As we follow these four simple steps, we will rise as the sun and never set. Our spirits and souls blaze on as stars. You will see light; your light will never go out. God will take you far; stand firm.
I love you.
Snr Pastor | HighCity Church
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I recieve grace to continue in Jesus’ name!
Comment…Amen thankyou Bishop for the powerful message am soo blessed today.God richly bless you.