Colossians chapter 3 and 4 teaches us how to live an effective Christian life that will transform generations to come. In that part of the Bible, Apostle Paul guides the church on how to live for maximum impact. He offers 10 important guidelines which we want to pray about today.
Let us, therefore, pray that the Lord will help us to:
1. Set our affections on things above where Christ is seated:
We will fail when we focus on earth and temporary things. We must focus on eternal things. We must give up our lust for carnal and earthly things. That will slow us down and we can not live effective lives. See Colossians 3:1-4
2. Mortify our members upon the Earth:
These are sins that dwell in the flesh; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, coveteousness, and ardent or strong sexual desires. Let us pray that the Lord will help us kill every unhealthy strong attachment to any person or thing! Pray! See Colossians 3:5-7.
3. Put off from our mouths anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy, communication, and lies.
These are sins in your mouth. These are sins of words and tongue. The Bible says “if a man does not error in words the same is perfect.” Receive the grace to bridle your tongue and to not sin with your mouth. See Colossians 3: 8-9
4. Develop and put on new values of mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, long-suffering, forbearance, being forgiving, and loving:
These are the nature of Christ which we need to emulate. Receive the grace to walk in the character of Christ.
5. Allow the peace and the word of God to rule in your hearts and minds, dwelling in us richly in all wisdom:
That is how we can teach and admonish each other in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. See Colossians 3:15-16
6. Do all that we can do in the name of the Lord with a sense of gratitude:
We should always be thankful that the grace of God reached us. We should pray that God will help us remain grateful for his grace. See Colossians 3:17
7. Develop and engage in helpful interpersonal social and corporate relationship skills:
No man is an island; surely we will have to relate with people. Wives must learn how to deal with husbands with submission and husband deal with wives with love and free heart; children obey parents and fathers not provoke children; servants serve master is joy and singleness of heart and master deal with servants with equity and fairness.
8. Continue in prayer, watching, thanksgiving, and intercession for your pastor:
May the Lord help us continue steadfastly in prayer. Colossians 4:2-4.
9. Walk in wisdom towards those who are without; to speak with words seasoned with salt and with grace:
See Colossians 4:5. How we deal and speak with them that are without matters a lot. It is my prayer God will give us the wisdom to deal wisely with those that are without.
I have no doubt that God will answer our prayers and make us effective believers.
I love you
Pastor Noah Simpe