“That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,” (Titus 2:4)
Loving your own husband is to be romantic. But I must say first and foremost that being romantic has very little to do with your dressing and being sexy. It is also important to inform you that love by its very nature demands a certain level of commitment that you cannot give to a man to whom you are not legally married to. Your relations must have family, church, state and spiritual backing.
These tips are therefore on how young women can love their own husbands. So this message applies to loving the man who has left mother and father to cleave and become one with you.
Now let me give you the simple tips to help you to love your husband;
Self esteem:
The first step to loving your own husband is to place value on your own self, have self esteem and confidence. A woman with low self esteem lacks the capacity to love her husband. This is because she would interpret loving her man and feeling vulnerable as being a foolish. Rather, a strong woman is able to express how she feels about her man publicly and privately.
Recognise him as the head of the home. Act in the home on his behalf. Recognise him as the man leading you about.
Honour him publicly and privately, but don’t create smoke screens and charades; that is not honour, it’s deception. If he did not buy you the shoe, don’t say he did. Say what he bought. If he is abusing you, don’t cover up with fake public smiles; he will kill you.
Care for him:
Take care of his needs, physical, domestic, and social. Proverbs 31 teaches that a virtuous woman clothes, feeds and shelters her family. “She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.” (Proverbs 31:21)
Care for his emotional need; smile with him, answer him politely, chat with him, be open to him.
Give him due benevolence with joy and excitement. Listen, when men are having sex, or even watching porn, what they watch is not the genitals; but your facial expressions and contortions. You will drive him into the arms of another woman; if you look disinterested. That is why the strange woman even fakes orgasm if she needs to. They win the heart of most men with the fake orgasm. But you cannot lie,so develop genuine interest in giving him due benevolence with joy and excitement. Give him little gifts and attention.
Take genuine interest in what he does and what he is going through. Find out how he is doing at work. When he is worried, be there to support him.
Take interest in his family:
You don’t need to be slave to them but care for them as you would for your own parents and family.
Stay blessed; I love you!