Luke 13:19 KJV] “It is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and cast into his garden; and it grew, and waxed a great tree; and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it”.
God has called us to make impact around the world. From every little corner of the world, we can send a strong signal to the rest of the world. We can make our impact to be felt in the world around us. We need to see the picture and possibility and work hard towards it.
1. Dream big:
Whatever you see is what you become. Many of us have become dysfunctional because we see dysfunction all around us. Many of us accept smallness as normal because that is what we see. Jesus lived an exceptional life because He did what He saw the Father doing and not what He saw around Him. He followed the Father’s example and not the Pharisees.
What are you dreaming of becoming? A business person, a sportsman or woman, a preacher, a missionary? What exactly do you see yourself becoming? It is the most important thing. You will be changed into the image you see. Dream! Covert your ideas into images.
2. Start Small:
Remember, our Lord Jesus Christ came on a mission to save the world but He started with saving Himself, proceeded to save 12, then impacted 72, then 120, then 500, then cities and villages. Inasmuch as we want to make impact around the world, we must start with impacting ourselves first, then the circle of friends around us. So start with what you have; purpose, pray, plan, pool resources, publicise, produce, and distribute or market. The world will not listen to you until you have something to show first. You must have something to show. “To him that has shall more be given”, start small and get ready to grow big.
3. Act locally:
Remember that Jesus never traveled outside Israel yet He has reached the ends of the world. He only travelled within a radius of about 200 miles yet He made great impact around the world. Sometimes, the news spread by those who hear it. There are so many brands that have reached the ends of the world without actually traveling. Act locally but with the globe in mind.
4. Think globally:
“As a man think in his heart, so is he”. If you think small, you will be small; if you think big, you will grow big. Start from when you are but think as where you are going. We have started from here, but we are heading to the ends of the earth. We start from Jerusalem but we are reaching the ends of the world.
5. Invest in your passion:
You can’t leave life to chance, you must invest in your passion. What are you passionate at becoming? A ballet dancer, a lawyer, a singer, teacher, musician; invest in your passion. Don’t just follow it. Invest! Get training, go to school, get a mentor, invest in your passion.
You can never die in obscurity. You must make global impact. Your life must count for something. You must make impact around the world. Stay blessed!
I love you;