[Luke 12:32 KJV] “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom“.
Not all churches are meant to be mega-churches, but every micro-church can do mega-ministry.
A church is a gathering of people to reach out to people and have a fellowship with Christ, but a ministry is a service we offer to save and help the people around us.
Although all churches may not grow into mega-churches, every micro-church can do mega-ministry. It is important to remember that our Lord Jesus Christ did not have a mega-church yet He did mega-ministry. He started with 12 people, increased to 72, then to 500, of which 120 disciples were committed. These would make His “church members”. They formed the core or base of the church. These are the people who reached our to the multitudes that gathered at the crusades. Apostle Paul with 12 men reached all of the then Asia within 2 years. (See Acts 19:1-12)
In Luke 8, with 12 men and certain women, our Lord Jesus Christ reached every city and village; He then sent 72 people out to every village and town in Luke 10. The church in Luke 8 was a micro-church, and the church in Luke 10 was a mini-church; but in both cases, they were doing mega-ministry.
At both the micro-church and mini-church stages the church, our Lord Jesus Christ reached and offered support to the cities and the multitudes. So, not all churches are meant to be mega-churches, yet all of us can still do mega-ministry. We can all reach our communities and serve them.
Let me point out you that the micro-church can have a mega-ministry only in the context of faith and expectations. Trying to do mighty works by the anointing in the atmosphere of unbelief will not work. It takes faith and honour for the anointing to do mighty works.
I pray that the Lord shall drive out any spirit of fear and timidity and give us power, love, and a sound mind. I pray that we shall quit ourselves as men and rise to the occasion. Stay blessed!
I love you;
Noah Simpe Bediako