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[Philippians 3:20 KJV] “For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:”
Don’t let where you live determine what you settle for nor how you live. Do not conform to the pattern of this world; your lifestyle is heavenly. We should allow heaven to shape your perspectives and not your community. This change will come through the renewing of your mind; that is how the transfotmation happens.
The following will help you to live according to a heavenly standards;
Keep hearing the same things again and again from your pastor:
Hearing the same things over and over is profitable for you. When you hear the same things again and again, it sticks and stays fresh. Faith comes by hearing; God works miracles and ministers the Spirit through the hearing of faith, then we are awakened and revived by hearing the voice of the Spirit.
Listen by the books, devotionals, podcast, youtube videos, social media display photos. Just listen, try and hear again and again from your pastor. It is dangerous to jump from one place to the other. Listening to the same proven prophet over and over is safe for you. You must not turn away to another gospel. Acts 2:42 teaches that they continued in the apostles doctrine and fellowship.
Always wanting and desiring to hear a new thing is a sign of superstition.
Beware of dogs, evil workers and the concision:
There are many evil workers and enemies of the cross around these days. Right in the church, not neccessarily in the pulpit, but around you.
Beware of dogs and evil workers and the concision; people who put so much emphasises on the flesh and outward appearances, especially to feign spirituality. Beware! There are many dogs and evil workers lying in wait to devour you. But I pray for you that you shall not be consumed. These are the mixeď multitudes; traveling with us but not part of us.
Worship God in Spirit:
The Bible tells us, the time is coming and this is the time, when God seek true wirshippers who will worship him in spirit and truth. You must worship in spirit and in truth.
Rejoice in Christ:
Let he that boasts make his boast in the Lord. Why are you brightening up and smiling? Is it because you have a new boyfriend? Or bought a new car? Or registered a new land in your name? Any reason that rejoices your heart other than Christ is not worth it. All other reasons are not good reasons. You must rejoice in Christ and in Him alone.
Have no confidence in the flesh:
Have no confidence in the flesh, don’t count anything as gain except it is for Christ and in him. Christ in you is your only hope of glory. Only Christ in you guarantees glory.
Forget the past:
Many people fail becuase they hold on too tightly to the past. Holding on too tightly, or too long to the past will rob you of the future.
Reach forth to the things that are before; to the mark of the high calling:
There is a place in Christ that you must attain unto. There is a place you must reach forth to. Let us press on to that future; for the prize of the high calling in Christ.
You are bigger than where you are. You can be far bigger than what you are now. You can live that higher life; above earthly and beggarly things. You have a higher life in Christ.
Be blessed!