[Matthew 28:18-20 KJV] “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen”.
The Lord has mandated us to go into the whole world and preach the gospel to every creature. At the time of giving this commission and command, the world was limited to habitable locations where men lived. We were not so scattered but years down the line, our world has changed so much. If we do not arise to change our view of what the world is, we will lose a whole generation of people.
There is a vast and new world that has developed over the years, called the virtual world; that is the world online. This is a virtual but a real world that must be reached. You must, therefore, make up your mind to step in and bring in the harvest of souls in that new world.

This is the time to decide whether you will be an instructor, a communicator, or an influencer.
Honestly speaking, considering the cost of production; both implicit and explicit cost, the level of skill needed to make a good and credible production, and the effort and resources required to promote your post, I will recommend that you team up with your pastor and become an influencer. To stand with your pastor and share his content with as many people as is possible.
I will recommend that you;
- Search
- Watch
- Like
- Comment
- Decide and share on your preferred platform to many
This is the time and the moment when we should aggressively and intentionally publish the good news widely: “Once has the Lord spoken but great is the company that publish it.”
Allow the Lord to borrow your wall, space, account to reach the people in your niche. Be an ambassador of the good news. Share, watch, like, comment, and share widely to your preferred platform.
This is our time to give. There was a time when we received but now is our time to give. This is the time to reach the Lost and the world around you.

Prayer points
1. Pray that the Lord will send more willing and skillful labourers into the harvest
2. Pray that the word of God will have a free course with others as it had with us
3. Pray that your hearers shall see the glorious light in the gospel we preach
4. Pray that the Lord will confirm our messages with signs flowing
Stay blessed
Simpe Bediako