The whole prophetic message for day 9 is in Mark 4:1-23; that is the parable of the sower who went out to sow.
Remember, that the Sower went out to sow with a goal and aspiration to get fruits. He was not out there sowing for sowing sake. God is sowing and digging and watering us for a reason.
Remember that the word we hear every day must produce results in our lives. Certain things fight the viability of the seed.
- Unbelief stemming from misunderstanding the word that is preached
- Shallowness and lack of roots
- Lust
- Anxiety, cares, and panics
- Deceitfulness of riches
- Pride of life
- Impatience
Many of us don’t bear fruits because of these things. Take time and think about these things.
As we wait on the Lord we are praying that God will cause His word to manifest in our lives.
Prayer points
- Pray that the Lord will help us to believe His word. That the Lord will give us understanding into His Word that is preached to us; and that He will help us to believe the word.
- Pray that the Lord will cause His word to take root in us, and that we shall also take root in the word.
- Pray that the Lord will help us to deal with lust, anxieties, cares, the deceitfulness of riches, and the pride of life that choke the word.
- Pray that the Lord will give you the patience and humility and meekness to receive the engrafted word and to nurture it.
- Pray that any bird of the air assigned to devour the word in your life shall be rebuked in the name of Jesus Christ!
- Pray that the Lord will shield you from any heat and storm sent to cause you to wither. May the Lord protect you from the harshness that the devil is sending.
- Pray and thank the Lord!
I love you