Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered (1 Peter 3:7 KJV)
God demands that men (husbands, boyfriends, fiancée, whatever they are) must honour women as weaker vessels and coheirs together of the grace. However, I can assure you that most men disrespect and dishonour women. It is therefore your responsibility to avoid abusive and potentially abusive relationships.
What is an abusive relationship? An abusive relationship is one that curtails the fundamental human rights of any of the parties in the relationship. The right to live, the right to dignity, the right to privacy, the right to freedom of worship, the right to freedom of association, etc. Don’t stay in any relationship where the other party makes you feel indebted to him or her. Don’t stay one more day; it will destroy you.
Toxic or abusive relationships will stifle your progress in life. An abusive relationship can make you sick; destroy your peace and joy; destroy your very person, dignity and self-esteem.
To avoid abusive relationships:
- Set clear goals for your life and pursue them.
Don’t miss lectures or church or anything that leads to your goals just to see or be with anybody, no matter how much you want to be with them. Love can grow stale; build your life or you will soon regret.
- While you wait for the suitor, attend to the things of the lord:
The unmarried must attend to the things of the lord. Build up your faith and character even before a suitor comes along.
- Have a clear focus and vision for every relationship.
Never mix things up. Don’t sleep with friends, not for any reason.
- Set clear boundaries for dating and courtship.
Anybody you have not known for two seasons is a stranger. If you have not known the person for a year, treat them as strangers.
- They must have clear timelines to run with their vision with you.
Their proposal must be S-M-A-R-T or else it’s a con. (S-M-A-R-T is a popular acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely)
- Commit yourself to be faithful and loyal as long as it is not injurious to your well-being.
Don’t put yourself in any situation that puts you at the mercy of the other party.
- Don’t countenance any form of abuse for even a minute:
Don’t hesitate to involve the police. You may not get justice but you may get relief.
Be strong; stay blessed
I love you
Thank you Reverend. God bless and increase you on every side. …Amen
Comment…Amen….Thank you Bishop..I will now be able to avoid any form of abusive relationship thanks to your powerful message…God bless you
Great message, Bishop.
You are such a gift to this generation. I shall now be able to avoid every form of abusive relationship.
I shall remain faithful and loyal as long as it is not injurious to my well being. I shall not hesitate to involve the police.
God bless you, Bishop.
Woooow. God bless you soo much Pastor for taking care of us in all aspects of life. You are such a great blessing to us. I bless God for life and ur family.
Waoow I will build my life before a suitor comes.. An really blessed with this untimely message or this our age and ages to come
God Bless you Paapa
Glory to God
Comment…wow…….what a powerful message. Am indeed blessed.
I now know how to avoid any abusive relationship .
Thank you Osofo. I appreciate the light you have thrown on the passage and am blessed thereby. Stay blessed n favored. Amen
Thank you Bishop for this message. I am blessed.
Wonderful………May God bless you paapa you are preparing me for life and may the good lord give you more grace to bless us more.
God bless you Pastor
God bless you Deacon