And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. 8:11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you (Romans 8:10 KJV)
Have you wondered why a lot of God’s precious children are sick and weak in their bodies?
I have seen many of them sick, oppressed and tormented. Their lives have virtually come to a standstill because of a chronic or debilitating condition. I believe that this must stop.
Sicknesses and weaknesses are a result of sin but glory be to God that if Christ is in us then though our bodies may be dying because of sin, the spirit is made alive through righteousness which is of faith. You can get your life and health back. You can live again!
I sense that your mortal bodies are receiving strength as you read these words aloud. There shall be no more sickness, no more pain, and no more death. Receive the touch of His power! You shall not die!
Enough of this oppression; whatever the cause, you are receiving your life back because Christ lives in you. It time to say no to death. It is time to rise again. The Lord will raise you, but how? How can you walk in the fullness of health and wellness all the days of your life? How can you suspend aging and enjoy a healthy life all the days of your life?
Just one simple key, let the spirit of Him that raised Christ from the dead dwell in you. Have you not read it? “If the spirit of him that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you, then he the spirit of he that raised Christ from the dead shall quicken, restore or heal your mortal bodies” (See Romans 8:11) You need the indwelling spirit of God; you need the spirit of Him that raised Christ from the dead to dwell in you. That is how you stay healthy and strong.
This happens through impartation and fellowship. That is why it is not enough to get a bottle of anointing oil, anointed water or anointed cloth. There are certain dimensions of the supernatural that require something higher than the laying on of hands. These deeper dimensions require daily devotions, quiet times, ministering to the Lord, and fasting. Come personally to God morning by morning. (See Mark 1:35)
These supernatural dimensions require waiting on God. Through fellowship, we draw from the deep oil fields of God to fill our souls.
Say no to death, by simply waiting and fellowshipping with God by your spirit. He will fill and refresh you.
You shall not die! You will be quickened! Receive the infilling of the Spirit of God. May God quicken your mortal bodies in Jesus’ name! Amen!
Today’s Prayer
Dear God
I open my heart to you. You are my God. I am your temple. I open my heart to you today. Fill me with your Spirit. Let you Spirit dwell in me to quicken and to refresh my body, in Jesus’ name!
1 Year Bible with Daily Psalm
Exodus 40
Exodus 41
Exodus 42
Psalms 31
Amen! I receive your spirit oh God.
Amen!! I shall not die! I shall not be sick! neither will I be oppressed.
I open up my heart to receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name.
Amen and amen… God bless you Reverend
Amen… Gloria welcome back to we thank God for giving you strength…
I walk in divine health and strength all the days of my life, as I am filled and quickened by the Spirit Of God.
Thank you Pastor for this word.
Comment…Amen…..I open my heart for the indwelling of your spirit oh God……..Thank you pastor
Aaaamen. I receive the spirit of the Lord in Jesus name Amen
Amen and Amen….. I shall not die…… I shall not die…… I shall not die!!!!!!
Amen… so be it
Amen and Amen . what a word. very powerful. I receive it in Jesus name
I shall live again! Amen
Amen I receive the touch of his power
#Ishall not die….my mortal body is quickened in the mighty name of Jesus.Amen ????????
I shall not die……I shall not be wary in Jesus name. Amen