It is possible to succeed without sweat, yet many of us are struggling in life because we have no guide. The Holy Scriptures teaches that a man’s life does not consist of the abundance of things he has. Note that the key phrase is “abundance of things he has”.
If you really want to live a better quality of life, then:
1. Keep life simple and structured:
Cut out all the clutter. Structure your life. For instance, when you wake up, have your quiet time, bath and groom for the day’s business, and make time to attend the days fellowship meetings. When you get home, eat, bath and rest for the next day. This is a simple and structured life. As the adage goes, “a woman with less friends makes a good wife”.
2. Stay passionate about life:
Be strong and courageous about following the word of God that is delivered to you. Clothe yourself with zeal.
3. Be faithful and open to possibilities:
Be faithful in little things, in that which is another man’s, and with unholy mammon. It is important to understand that even if you do all these things, certain outcomes are beyond men. God holds that key, so be open to all possibilities.
Remember, things may or may not turn out the way you have it planned. Just understand that all things work together to the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His promise.
Stay Blessed!
Noah Simpe Bediako