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[Hebrews 6:11-12 KJV]“And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises”.
I believe you remember that we have a mandate to preach the gospel to the ends of the world, and I believe you know that it includes travelling to other places, preaching the gospel in the streets, starting local church meetings, and discipling many nations. This is possible if everyone of us shall show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end. God does not want us to be just diligent but to show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope. We must be fully persuaded of the same things we hoped for to the end. Some start well but don’t end well; but you must end with the same assurance with which you started.
These are the three simple secrets to ending well and strong. Those who finish well have no secret except they trust God through all the changing scenes of life; they push further when all others give up; and they tap into the power of praying alone. You can show the same diligence to the end if you learn to take God at His word. God means whatever He says and we must treat His word with all seriousness. When God speaks, He means it. God does not mince words. We must learn to take God at His word if we can reach far with the preaching of the gospel.
The second secret is stretch your faith a bit. Add actions to your faith. When Jesus came walking on the sea in Matthew 14:26, the disciples thought they were seeing a ghost but the Lord said ” no it is I”. When the Lord said that all the disciples bèlieved, but the only disciple who added works to his faith also walked on the sea. Apostle Peter stretched his faith and walked on the sea. You will go far when you add works to your faith. Faith without works is dead.
Tap into the power of praying alone. This is the secret to power. Those who pray alone have enough power to share. The Lord spent time alone in the mountain and had power over nature. Even the wind obeyed Him. May you spend time alone with God and come out wielding power over nature and storms. You can show the same diligence to full assurance of hope to the end; if you learn the secret to believe, act and pray.
Be blessed, I love you
Noah Simpe Bediako