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[Psalms 51:17-18 KJV] “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. [18] Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion: build thou the walls of Jerusalem”.
Without grace none of us can make it far. None of us can walk with God if He does not give us grace. Flesh and blood cannot walk in grace. Flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom nor please God. We must therefore learn about how to step into the grace that lifts a man from the dung hill to sets him among princes.
Like the king David, we all sin and falter in many things, but everyone can find grace and mercy when we handle our faults and weaknesses well. Psalm 51:17 says that the sacrifices of the Lord are a broken and a contrite heart, this is what the Lord does not despise. When we cultivate a broken and a contrite heart, it will be as a sacrifice unto the Lord.
Psalm 34:18 declares that the Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken spirit and saves those with a contrite heart. I exhort you to approach the Lord with a broken spirit and a contrite heart. Give up pride and haughty attitudes. Let us draw near unto the Lord in a good and humble heart.
Isaiah 57:15 declares that the Lord shall revive the humble and the contrite at heart. Indeed, the Lord will revive the humble. The Lord will not despise the humble. He will raise the humble from a dunghill. God will revive us in the coming days because of the humility of our hearts.
In Isaiah 66:1-2, we learn that though the heaven is the throne of God and the earth is His footstool; the Lord gives attention to the man who is poor in spirit and of a contrite heart, and trembles at His word. May Heaven open over you and give you attention. May the Lord hear your prayers and answer you speedily! The Lord will heal and save you only if you call upon Him!
How then do I step into grace irrespective of those who judge and ostracize me?
1. Don’t justify your actions:
When you are wrong, you are wrong. Don’t justify your actions, do not make excuses, just admit your wrongs.
2. Admit your need for help daily:
The second key to stepping into grace is not to settle for a life of sin, but to admit that you need help. Until you admit that you need help, you will not be open to the Helper. May the Lord help us to admit our need for a helper.
3. Wait upon God in prayer (Exodus 33:15):
There is the need to step into the third stage of grace; that is to wait on God and wait till you have help.
4. Tremble at the word of God:
Finally, learn to tremble at the word of God. Allow the word of God to order and organize your life. Let the word of God make meaning and guide you as the bones in the valley of dry bones.(See Ezekiel 37).
Be blessed, I love you;