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”Lord , my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me. Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child. Let Israel hope in the Lord from henceforth and for ever.” (Psalms 131:1-3 KJV)
Today we want to learn how to trust with childlike faith. Indeed, we know that those who hope in the Lord shall never be put to shame. Hope does not make ashamed. The Lord is faithful to all but those who trust Him shall never be put to shame. Holding on to trust God with childlike faith is one of the important self-help keys. I pray that as you decide to trust God, He will show up for you in all matters. You will never lack help. May the Heavens open into you in Jesus‘ name!
To trust God is to recline all your wait on Him as a man reclining in a chair. To trust God is to look up to Him alone. The real proof of trust or faith is to find rest and not be anxious for anything; to bring all your cares to Him in prayer; to wait upon Him. The proof that you are trusting God is to lay your cares upon Him, wait on Him patiently and pray earnest about every need.
In the psalm above the Psalmist here teaches us how to prepare to trust God as a child.
Be humble in your heart:
A haughty heart is an enemy of faith. You cannot trust God if you cannot humble yourself. God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. He exalts those who put their trust in Him.
Do not have lofty eyes:
Many people cannot trust God because they have proud eyes. They despise small beginnings. They despise little details and are impatient. Hannah praised God for one son, discerning that that one son is more than even seven sons put together. Be grateful for ‘little mercies’ and be content with such as you have. Despise no man and honour God in your eyes.
Do not exercise yourself in matters too high for you:
Some matters are not important to even investigate. It is pride to ask “why is it raining today?”. Please, that is a matter too high for you. One common question people ask me at funerals is “Pastor, why did my father or mother or child have to die?”. Hmmm! I wish I knew why, but I don’t bother to know. I try my best to think that God knows what He is doing. That helps my faith.
Compose your soul:
Many have unruly emotions and souls, as a result, at the least disappointment they abandon their faith, and you can tell from their words. I pray that you will compose yourself soul and emotion that we may throw ourselves on God and wait on His hand.
God bless you.
I love you.
Let’s Talk It Over
- How has trusting God released help into your life?
- In what practical way can humility help you to trust God better?
Let’s give hope, prayer, and encouragement below. Post a comment & let the discussion continue.
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