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“Remember Lot’s wife” (Luke 17:32 KJV)
Many years ago, God saved a man name Lot and his family from destruction with the promise of taking them to a city where they would be safe and prosper. Unfortunately, however, his wife did not make it to the city because she could not keep a simple instruction to focus on the destination of the journey. She was distracted and looked back and as a result became a pillar of salt to this day.
These things are written for the learning of those of us who have enjoyed the same grace and mercy. Many of us have been rescued from the destruction with a promise and an assurance to be taken to a realm or city where will be safe and prosper. Unfortunately, many of us are unable to focus on the journey; many are getting distracted but today God is stirring up our conscience to focus on the important things.
The Lord Jesus is exhorting us in our text to remember Lot’s wife. Remembering Lot’s wife is to learn some useful lessons from her life. Remember her and avoid her mistakes. Remember her and don’t fall into the trap that took her.
The greatest lesson we can learn from Lot’s wife is to understand that those who look back at what they have left behind will become a useless pillar in the wilderness. You will be faced with the same temptations; the temptation to look back to the things you left behind. The temptation to look back to the opportunity cost. There is a cost to every decision we make; Indeed, anytime you look back to examine the things you left, you will find good reasons why you should not have forsaken them. She became a pillar of salt, a failed project, an aborted mission. If you look back, you will miscarry your vision.
As we remember Lot’s wife:
Focus on the big picture and not on your present circumstances:
What is the big picture here? The big picture is that all men will be saved and come to the saving knowledge of the truth. The big picture is to preach the gospel in the world, build churches to preserve the harvest of souls, and to raise others who can do the same.
Remember those who bear rule over you and have spoken the word to you, and follow their faith:
Hebrews 13:7 teaches us to follow their faith, not their mistakes or foolishness. It’s important to remember that our leaders may make mistakes as they are men with weakness too. Follow their faith.
Remember the words they have spoken to you:
Jude 1:17; when you remember the words your leaders have spoken, you will act wisely when the test presents itself (John 16:4, Acts 20:35). Many of us don’t act wisely when life presents us with tests, because we don’t remember what was spoken.
Remember from where you have fallen, repent and do the first works:
Revelation 2:5, routine and periodic appraisals are important to stay on course. Remember where and why you started the journey and go back to do your first works.
Stay blessed; I love you!
Simpe Bediako
Irrespective of my present situation, I won’t look back. The future is brighter than the past and present situation. Thank you Bishop