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Dearly beloved, the end of all things is at hand, and men are growing worse and worse. Things no longer seem to be what they used to be. Times have changed and the days are not only evil but the people of the day are growing worse and worse.
Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time (Colossians 4:5 KJV)
I wish we could change how things happen around here these days but no matter how hard we work some people are determined to serve the desire of the devil. These people know we are believers and children of God, they know we cannot fight back; they are therefore determined to abuse our humility and meekness.
The word of God, therefore, exhorts us to be careful and walk in wisdom towards those that are without. We must use a lot of discretion when we are dealing with people who are not involved in what we are. Even in church, we walk in wisdom when you are dealing with people who do not do what you do.
When you go out for evangelism, visitation, to work, or while running errands, in the street, on your way to church, in your office or workplace, remember that we all order our lives among unbelievers; walk in wisdom. At the bus station walk in wisdom. In the market walk in wisdom. When you are walking at night walk in wisdom. If you refuse to walk in wisdom, you will be fooled, abused, violated sexually, etc. Be wise!
If you are walking in the streets alone, walk in wisdom. Spread this message to everyone around you, especially to your children. We must walk with our heads and not our legs.
For example, if you serve in ministry and you are dealing with people who are not in the ministry, act in wisdom, especially concerning time.
People who are without don’t share your convictions and as such, they don’t understand nor think as you think. Without wisdom, the world will finish you. Without wisdom the world will swallow you.
Receive wisdom! And walk in wisdom! Take care of your time. Don’t waste your moments. The days are evil. Time is precious. The harvest is ripe and we need to buy up the moments.
Listen, every man has a season and don’t think that you can always serve the Lord. Brother! There are things we can do today which we cannot do tomorrow. Don’t be deceived to think that we can always preach! Our days and moments are numbered. Number your days aright and make the moments count.
The days are evil and the moments must count. Don’t waste your time chatting, hanging out, fooling about. Let the Lord take your days and your moments; let them flow in ceaseless praise.
Do you have any questions or topics on any relevant subject that you would like to discuss with the rest of our hundreds of daily visitors? You can join in right now. Bless you!
Be wise! Be strong! Stay blessed
I love you.
Thanks pastor for the word this morning. I’m going to receive wisdom and walk with it
I receive wisdom and walk with it. God bless you Papa.
Thank you Bishop for putting down this truth. It has started changing my life.l pray that God helps me to walk in wisdom all my life.
God bless u Pastor for this message. I pray for grace to walk in wisdom as i walk through life.
Father help me to make the best out of every minute and moment for i have realized there are things I can do today but won’t be able to do it tomorrow ,I receive wisdom as I go out on my daily routine in Jesus name Amen .God bless you pastor
Woooow God bless you Osofo. Don’t no what I would have become without this teachings. More grace to be able to walk in wisdom towards those without. God bless you Bishop!!!
Powerful I’m bless this morning for such a wonderful message thanks paapa #1
Comment…Thankyou Bishop for the message lord give me wisdom to be able to live with the people that are without and wisdom only comes from above am receiving wisdom in Jesus name Amen.
Oooh Mercy Lord. I cry for my generation and myself, because after reading this devotional, there is only one question that is left on my mind and that is do we really know of these realities in this our wicked generation? Lord have mercy upon me and my generation that You may grant us grace to be able to redeem the time. I receive the wisdom to be able to walk without. Am really touched and blessed by this special letter in a form of devotional from Bishop to His children. thank you Paapa
God Bless you Paapa
Glory to God
Lord help me to walk in Wisdom wherever I find myself. I will not waste my time and moments because there are things I do today that I can’t do tomorrow.
Take my life Lord and let it be consecrated to thee. Take my moments and my days. let them flow in ceaseless praise. Amen.
#Walk in wisdom
God bless you Bishop. Powerful seed for today
What a powerful word.God bless you pastor. I am walking in wisdom and redeeming the time.