[1 Corinthians 15:33 KJV] “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.“
There is a reason why the scriptures tell us to stay clear of certain associations. Bad company corrupts good character. The scriptures says “let no man decieve you!” Some people will try to persuade you that it does not matter. It does matter who you associate with.
The spirit and soul of Lot was vexed when he stayed close to sodom and Gomorrah. Where you live and spend time matters a lot. You could get easily corrupted by the people and their philosophy!
Solomon ended up in idolatry after disobeying God’s command not to marry foreign wives. They didn’t influence him when he as young and strong but they did when he grew old. Wrong associations corrupt God manners!
Make the quality decision to walk and partner with those who carry the same kingdom values, kingdom character, and biblical understanding of God’s word. Remember that a cup of poison can poison ten barrels of water, but twenty barrels of water cannot purify a cup of water.
Stay blessed and may this day yield great results!
- Thank God for a blessed day. Thank Him for what He is doing in this season of your life.
- Pray that God will give you the wisdom and strength to choose your friends wisely. May the Lord deliver you from cunning and crafty man lying in wait to decieve.
- Pray the the Lord will deliver you from evil and the counsel of the ungodly in the name of Jesus Christ!
Stay blessed!