At every stage of growth, there are things that try to fight you. These are the things you have to overcome if you are going to win and have great personal growth.
- At the seedings stage: Spanning from recieving, to dying, to germinating; there are three main dangers you face: the lack of understanding of the content you recieved, lack of faith and confidence both in the speaker and the content. There are times when people doubt whether or not the content works.
- At the sprouting stage: The three main dangers are lack of both depth resulting from the lack of enough moisture, hardeness through the decietfulness of sin and perversion, and the lack of roots. Many wither at this stage because of heat and pressure of the sun; they wither under the harsh influences of external factors.
- At the blossoming stage: Always remember that growth is attractive. When you begin to blossom, you will make new contact, get new friends, new dependants, and new influences. At this stage, you must be very carefully because the pressure to continue to impress and show off can make you anxious. Remember, cares and anxiety is not good for growth. The next danger you face is growth of the lust for other things, decietfulness of riches, delusions, and conciet, pride and haughtiness. Beware of pride when you begin to blossom; it will stifle your growth. Knowledge puffs up.
- At the fruiting stage: You need honest, tender care, and pastoral nurturing. You must have a pastor who can watch over the fruits, process the harvest to wine for preservation.
Have a nice day!