Many precious people of faith find the walk too challenging and sometimes feels like giving up. This is because they have ignored very simple but important principles of faith. Romans 12 teaches simple secrets to make your walk of faith easy as Sunday morning.
1. Offer your body as a living sacrifice
The first step to find the faith walk easy as Sunday day morning is to die to self but be alive to God. Until you die to self, you can’t find the walk easy and simple.
2. Don’t conform to the pattern of the world but allow the truth to renew your mind
The child of God cannot copy the world, this is because the world walks by sight but we walk by faith. The world looks on the outward, but we we don’t judge after the outward appearance.
3. Think soberly, don’t think too highly of yourself.
You must think at your level. Don’t think too highly. Thinks as God would have you think.
4. Be fervent in spirit and not slothful in business
The child of God that would excel by faith must be fervent in spirit and work hard. Things may not be the way you expect but rejoice in hope and be patient in tribulation. You will excel and make it big.
Bless you!